
Gail Vance Civille
Lee Stapleton

Taste along with our founder, sensory evaluation pioneer Gail Vance Civille.

Join Senior Director of Training and Education Lee Stapleton, along with special guest hosts, for these quarterly Seasonal Sensory Sentiments webinars. Each quarter, they will explore the appearance, texture, flavor, aroma, and even packaging of products associated with the season.

Enjoy a full year of

Seasonal Sensory Sentiments
with Lee Stapleton

Previous Webinar Recordings

Seasonal Sensory Sentiments
with Lee Stapleton
Spring Cleaning:
The Smell of Clean

Seasonal Sensory Sentiments
with Lee Stapleton
Winter Feels:
Defending Your Skin

Seasonal Sensory Sentiments
with Lee Stapleton
Diving Into
Pumpkin Spice

Seasonal Sensory Sentiments
with Lee Stapleton
Summer Sunscreen:
The Whole Package